Welcome to Feferi Peixes's Carrd! ♡~

~About 🌊


h/H = )(
Exaggerated words = W--O---W!

- I am a fictivve of Feferi Peixes
- I support mspec lesbians/gays/etc
- I support xenogenders
- I support all alterhumans (including transspecies and factkin)
- I am uninvolved in s)(ipcourse (not anti, neutral, or pro ship)

- anti-endogenic systems
- Fit t)(is basic DNI criteria


Feferi Peixes

i'm Feferi Peixes <3 she/they/glub | 7.8 solar sweeps / 19.5 eart)( years
t)(eme song! ♓︎

glub !

t)(ings i like ! my partners, music, the ocean, fis)(, source

glub !

t)(ings i dislike ! arguments, spiders, needles, mean people

MatespritesMoirailsAuspistice Of
Eridan AmporaEridan Ampora, Sollux Captor, Aradia MegidoEridan AmporaSollux Captor

Note cr: inomhan